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| 7 Minutes
I know no one cares about my dotfiles. That’s not going to stop me from sharing them. Download init.vim Installation Install Neovim Install Vimplug Make sure you have the latest version of NodeJS installed Some package managers(apt) won’t install the latest version by default I’d recommend installing NVM (Node version manager) Then run nvm install --lts After installing the dependencies and coping the init.vim file run : PlugInstall in command mode For language server support run : CocInstall <server-name> To see a full list of language servers go here For Python install coc-pyright For C/C++ install coc-clangd For HTML install coc-html For CSS install coc-css For Javascript install coc-tsserver For Rust install coc-rust-analyzer For code snippets run : CocInstall coc-snippets Note: Rust analyzer has issues compiling for M1 macs.…
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What is Brainfuck + Ironmind

| 4 Minutes
What is Brainfuck It’s an Esolang (Esoteric Programming Language). These languages are designed to be as hard to read and write as possible. They’re mostly jokes but they are also a very useful tool for learning the absolute fundamentals of computer science. Brainfuck works by performing operations on a Turing machine. It has 8 main instructions + Increment current cell by one − Decrement current cell by one > Move to the right cell < Move to the left cell .…
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What is

| 2 Minutes
The shallow answer is a social media platform written in PHP using the Symfony framework. It’s hosted using the Google Cloud Platform in a single VM instance. The production database is MariaDB. But that still leaves the question of why it exists. I made it with the intent of having a place to publish my music reviews and allow other people to publish whatever else they wanted to write. By far I’m the most active on my Instagram which isn’t convenient for posting large blocks of text but by having Opium.…
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First Post

| 1 Minute
Just got this thing set up. I’m not going to lie it was kinda a pain in the ass. That’s mostly my fault though because of how I approached things. I saw this theme and I really liked it so I wanted to use it. The only problem was that my only experience with GitHub pages was from years ago and I didn’t really like it. Revisiting it after so long was… jarring, to say the least, and adjusting to new deploy tools like Hugo was surely something.…
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This beautiful sunrise I captured at 7:22am Listening to Blonde by Frank Ocean…
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