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Blown Away by an Air Compressor

| 1 Minute
Okay, I just wanted to write about this really cool little piece of tech magic I witnessed today. So I just went to Discount Tire to put some air in my tires. I happen to know for a fact that my tires are rated for exactly 42 PSI. At Discount Tire they have this little device that scans the tag in the door sill to read the car’s recommended tire pressure.…
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LineageOS pt.2

| 1 Minute
Figured I’d make a follow-up to my original post and go into more detail about my experience using LineageOS. What’s on my Device I feel like MKBHD right now lmao. First things first I’d like to make clear what isn’t on my device. Closed-sourced and proprietary software. The very first qualification an app must meet to get my stamp of approval is being open-sourced. I want to be able to go through each line of code on my own and know that I’m not being tracked.…
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My Experience With LineageOS

| 5 Minutes
Don’t take this post seriously, this is just me being goofy and having fun. Some Background Recently, I embarked on a mini project. It started with my boss giving me her old OnePlus 8. Conveniently, the very next day the battery in my iPhone 11 Pro Max decided it wanted to see the world and pushed the screen off my phone. This meant that for the next two days, I got to become an Android user for the first time in almost 10 years.…
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| 1 Minute
This sunset isn’t super spectacular but the vibrant colors in contrast to the sea of black are so eye-catching. There’s something so beautiful about sunsets. Laying a day to rest so you can wake up to take on another. Yes, I was flying spirit and it went surprisingly well. Also, I met a nice lady on the plane and she showed me a picture of her dog so shout out to Jessica and her dog.…
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My Favorite Python Libraries

| 3 Minutes
TL;DR Tkinter - GUI’s Pyautogui - mouse and keyboard automation Flask - web servers Why Obligatory Yap Session There’s one unifying aspect to each of these libraries: conciseness. Throughout my time writing Python, I’ve learned that what matters isn’t just ease of use. It’s about getting straight to the heart of a problem and directly crafting a solution. Good Python code is the direct manifestation of an idea, not a technical document.…
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