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Distributing Ironmind + Rust Continuous Integration

| 11 Minutes
Featuring Cargo, Snap, and Homebrew Believe it or not, I’d like people to use my software, especially Ironmind. I’m finally reaching a point in the project where I feel content with it. So it’s time to share it with the world. Unit Tests Cargo Test The first step was setting up automated unit tests to build and test my project each time I merged with the master branch. Fortunately, Rust’s build system, Cargo, makes this super easy.…
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Print Your Photos: storage volatility, the impermanence of the cloud, & life after death💀

| 6 Minutes
Introduction I take a lot of pictures, and I mean a lottt of pictures. If you’ve read my past blog posts you’d know that. I want to be able to remember such a critical part of my life. I want to be remembered. And I want to capture these memories in as much detail as I can. In a strange twist, it is difficult at times to live in the moment without thinking about how this moment will be remembered.…
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Random Update: The Sims

| 1 Minute
Recently, I’ve been playing The Sims a lot. Outside of Minecraft I’m not much of a gamer but this game has really gripped me. The last time I played a Sims game I was in elementary school and it was on my 3DS. For some reason I find myself enjoying it much more now than I ever did. There’s probably some depressing observation about the burden of adulthood and escapism of fantasy to be had but I’m not that philosophical.…
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| 2 Minutes
While on a quest to have the best Neovim setup possible, I hit a roadblock. For those of you who don’t know, I have a 2020 M1 MacBook Air. For as long as I’ve had a Mac, I’ve been using the default terminal application. It’s not the best, but it’s cute enough, and it does most of what I need it to do. But it has one fatal flaw. It doesn’t support true colors.…
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Project Photoprism

| 3 Minutes
For the past two years, I’ve been doing photography as a hobby. I have an amazing Canon M200 that I love taking pictures on. Not only does it take beautiful, vibrant, 24-megapixel photos but it also captures all that information almost completely uncompressed using Canon’s raw format. The only downside is that it generates so much data and requires so much storage. The issue of storage has been ongoing. It started with me using Google Photos, but then they changed their pricing model to not offer free unlimited storage.…
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