First Post

Posted on Feb 20, 2024

Just got this thing set up. I’m not going to lie it was kinda a pain in the ass. That’s mostly my fault though because of how I approached things. I saw this theme and I really liked it so I wanted to use it. The only problem was that my only experience with GitHub pages was from years ago and I didn’t really like it. Revisiting it after so long was… jarring, to say the least, and adjusting to new deploy tools like Hugo was surely something.

Okay, I’m going to stop being a hater. I actually really like Hugo. It’s fast. Not only for client-side rendering but also for development. Baring the initial setup process which was “extended” due to the impatience of a certain developer, it is really fast to create and deploy content. The only thing I can say is please read the documentation, it’s really good and you won’t be able to figure this thing out without it.

Be on the lookout for more stuff I write on here.